Bachelor of Fine Arts - vertaling naar
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Bachelor of Fine Arts - vertaling naar

Bachelors of Fine Arts; Bachelor in Fine Arts; Creative Arts; Bachelor of fine arts; Creative artist; Creative artists; Bachelor of fine arts degree; Bachelor of Creative Arts; Bachelor of Fine Art; BFA degree; Bachelor of Visual Arts

creative artist         
(n.) = artista creativo
Ex: The article is entitled "The creative artist in the public library".
fine arts         
  • ''[[An Oak Tree]]'' by [[Michael Craig-Martin]], 1973
  • 2}} in.; [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]]
  • ''[[Melencolia I]]'', 1514, [[engraving]] by [[Albrecht Dürer]]
  • ''[[The Art of Painting]]''; by [[Johannes Vermeer]]; 1666–1668; oil on canvas; 1.3 × 1.1 m; [[Kunsthistorisches Museum]] ([[Vienna]], [[Austria]])
  • year=2003 }}</ref>
  • The Tower of Babel]]''; by [[Pieter Bruegel the Elder]]; 1563; oil on panel: 1.14 × 1.55 m; Kunsthistorisches Museum
  • [[Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky]] (1840–1893), the famous composer
  • [[Vasily Mate]], ''Portrait of the poet [[Alexander Pushkin]]'' (1899)
  • The [[Royal Opera House]], London
  • Bengali]] film director
  • L'après-midi d'un faune]]'' (1912)
  • 1630}}; [[Mauritshuis]]
Fine arts; Fine Arts; Fine Art; Fine artist; Fine-art; Faculty of fine arts; Fine arts movie; Fine arts education; High arts; Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda; Beau art; Faculty of Fine Arts
(n.) = bellas artes
Ex: It should be noted that such a significance order of categories is more recognizable in the disciplines of natural science than in fine arts.
fine arts         
  • ''[[An Oak Tree]]'' by [[Michael Craig-Martin]], 1973
  • 2}} in.; [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]]
  • ''[[Melencolia I]]'', 1514, [[engraving]] by [[Albrecht Dürer]]
  • ''[[The Art of Painting]]''; by [[Johannes Vermeer]]; 1666–1668; oil on canvas; 1.3 × 1.1 m; [[Kunsthistorisches Museum]] ([[Vienna]], [[Austria]])
  • year=2003 }}</ref>
  • The Tower of Babel]]''; by [[Pieter Bruegel the Elder]]; 1563; oil on panel: 1.14 × 1.55 m; Kunsthistorisches Museum
  • [[Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky]] (1840–1893), the famous composer
  • [[Vasily Mate]], ''Portrait of the poet [[Alexander Pushkin]]'' (1899)
  • The [[Royal Opera House]], London
  • Bengali]] film director
  • L'après-midi d'un faune]]'' (1912)
  • 1630}}; [[Mauritshuis]]
Fine arts; Fine Arts; Fine Art; Fine artist; Fine-art; Faculty of fine arts; Fine arts movie; Fine arts education; High arts; Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda; Beau art; Faculty of Fine Arts
Bellas artes


(Del in. "artes y oficios").
Movimiento estético de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX que supuso el resurgir en Europa de las artes decorativas. Nacido como reacción a la banalización que introdujo en las artes el método de producción masiva de la revolución industrial, propugnó la vuelta al trabajo manual, recuperando el espíritu de calidad de los gremios artesanales de la Edad Media. En lo que al libro se refiere, el diseñador y tipógrafo inglés William Morris, junto al impresor Emery Walker, fundó en 1891 la Kelmscott Press, en la que se confeccionaron bellas ediciones que recordaban a los códices medievales. Como editor, centró su atención en la calidad del papel y el diseño de la letra y los márgenes, siendo una de sus obras más representativas The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Sus ideas se difundieron internacionalmente e influyeron sobre movimientos posteriores, particularmente, el modernismo.


Bachelor of Fine Arts

A Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) is a standard undergraduate degree for students for pursuing a professional education in the visual, fine or performing arts. It is also called Bachelor of Visual Arts (BVA) in some cases.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Bachelor of Fine Arts
1. So Nathan earned a bachelor of Fine Arts in musical theater
Embracing Love - Hugging Men in Underwear _ Nathan Albert _ Talks at Google